Easy and Effective Inductions
One of the easiest, most reliable and most effective ways to hypnotize a willing subject is to ask them to produce hypnotic phenomena directly. In the old days, hypnotists used to swing a watch or hold up a bright object suggest “your eyes are getting very heavy,” wait for ten minutes for the eyes to get tired.
Here’s a video I pulled from the archives explaining this simple and powerful technique. Don’t laugh–I thought I had to be uber-formal and serious in those days!
An Easier Way–Much Easier!
Nowadays, we know you can simply ask, “Close your eyes, and relax them to the point where they just want to stay closed.” It takes 10 seconds where it used to take 10 minutes–or twenty, or thirty!
Now, we can use this same principle to induce a deep, profound trance, very quickly. Here’s how to do it…
Pre-Induction Talk, Then A List
After giving a good quality pre-induction talk, simply explain, that when people go in to trance, they usually close their eyes, slow down their breathing, their muscles relax etc. In short, go through a list of hypnotic phenomena. Then ask them to produce those phenomena.
How Effective Is This Style Of Induction?
Here’s what one person said after experiencing this style of induction…
“When I was focusing on the letter “R,” all the letters disappeared on me. Everything disappeared on me. Everything, like, became white. But when you were telling me about my hands… My left arm was doing that almost, like by itself. I mean, it was, it felt weird like… I didn’t expect that. That was really like, unbelievable for me. That was like, crazy!”