NLP Training Magnifying Glass

What is NLP and How Does it Influence Brain Behavior?

When it comes to hypnosis and brain behavior, a few tried and true methods probably come to mind. Famous psychoanalysts like Sigmund Freud and Ivan Pavlov made these methods well known and widely used today.

While the efficacy of some of these have been proven time and time again, there’s a new method of self-improvement in town: NLP.

What is NLP? Read on to learn the basics of NLP and how it can influence behavior.

What Is NLP?

NLP is neuro-linguistic programming. Let’s break that down to better understand what we’re talking about here.

Neuro: relating to nerves or the nervous system. Linguistic: relating to language. Programming: the action or process of running an automatic method to accomplish something.

Combined, NLP is the method of programming our brains according to language. Simple enough, right?

In hypnosis terms, those words are chock full of potential and opportunity. The subconscious is our bread and butter, and NLP is a backdoor to the subconscious, or what we sometimes call, the unconscious mind. With training, you hold the key.

Structure of Success: Discover The Blueprint To True Success With NLP

What do folks who are highly effective THINK...and believe? Understanding the answer to this question, and how it applies to NLP, can change the way you think forever. Whether to become a better practitioner, or just get better at life...understanding these foundational concepts can be a game changer for anyone.

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The Power of Linguistics

Words hold an incredible power over us. They’re a primary means of communication with one another, and embody deep connections we have to our emotions, and inner realities

Think back to the earliest memory you have of someone saying something mean to you, and how that affected you. The fact that you still remember this today shows how powerful those words were.

Now think about how frequently you use negative language in your daily life- about yourself, your circumstances, other people, etc. How does this affect your attitude? Your habits?

Enter: the practice of hypnosis and NLP. Through training in hypnotic language, you can learn how certain words affect your habits subconsciously, and how to affect yourself, and other people with words.

It’s more than standing in front of a mirror and stating affirmations. NLP dives deeper into your psyche, rewiring your brain to operate at a higher level that you’ve designed.

How Does It Work?

NLP understands that our emotions are what anchor us to the world around us. Everything we experience in life is a reaction to something else. Every reaction happens within a certain mood, whether it be logical or purely hormonal.

Regardless of the root of our mood or emotion, NLP seeks to use them as tools to program our brains to function better. Instead of fighting against natural scientific human processes like the chemicals your brain releases to create emotions, NLP seeks to work with your body and subconscious to give you what you want.

There are certain methods that you’ll learn in NLP training that will help you achieve this.

How Can NLP Help You?

Have you ever felt out of touch with the way others are reacting to situations? Maybe you overreact easily, or feel like you’re not on the same page?

You will learn to identify your perceptions of reality. Your perception affects the way you react to the world around you. It’s a big part of who you are. Right?

Through NLP, you can program yourself to be more the person you want to be. You’ll learn that you don’t have the limits you thought you did, and you’re not required to be the same person you were five minutes ago.

NLP classes will teach you how to effectively navigate your reactions to reality, and find new parts about yourself you never knew existed before. You’ll be able to make leaps and bounds of self-discovery, and alter your perceptions to change negative reactions to the world around you.

Have you ever been on a carb-free diet and found yourself eating your way through a bowl of pasta when you suddenly remembered that you’re on a carb free diet?? Or have you ever been in an argument with a friend and heard words come out of your mouth that you didn’t really mean?

Learn How to Interrupt Behavior

You’ll be able to stop those behaviors in their tracks. Through NLP, you’ll learn how to interrupt a behavior or thought process that is undesired and presents an opportunity for change. It’s a technique that’s programmed into your subconscious through NLP training, and acts as the foundation for bettering your unwanted behaviors.

You know when you hear a song on the radio, and it takes you back to a specific time or place?

Like Pavlov’s work with behavioral conditioning and therapy, association is an element in NLP as well. You will learn how to associate sensory input with positive cognitive reactions. Later, when you’re in a situation involving unwanted behavior or thought processes, you’ll be taught how to recall on this association to help you out of that jam.

It’ll also teach you how to redefine your definitions of behavior-altering words like “motivation” and “discipline.” By applying a simple formula to your language patterns, you can affect your habits merely my rephrasing a sentence in your mind.

What Can I Expect?

NLP sessions can be similar to hypnosis sessions, and NLP and hypnosis can be used together. Hypnosis can seem scary to the first timer, but it’s actually a simple and relaxing procedure. With the right guidance and an open mind, it can take you anywhere you want to go.

Your hypnotherapist will explain what’s going to happen before any hypnosis takes place. Depending on the type of session you’re having, the next step will vary. It will almost always include some sort of calm conversation between your therapist and you, and you’ll likely be put into a dreamlike state.

NLP can differ in that it is often more conversational, and involves your input and active participation

They’re both easy, and often pleasant. You can contact us with any questions you have along the way!

The Straight Scoop

At the end of the day, there are slews of behavior therapy methods and psychotherapy that have attempt to alter negative behaviors.

A lot of them can be expensive, require regular meetings with therapists, and be uncomfortable.

With NLP, you can choose to operate in the comfort of your own home or with a hypnotherapist. It’s quick, too. The programming strategies are simple, clean, and positive.

Stop asking yourself, “what is NLP exactly…?” Take the plunge. You’re worth more than your bad habits. It’s time to start taking control of them.

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About The Author:

Keith Livingston is the main instructor for Hypnosis 101. Keith has been studying hypnosis since he was a boy and doing hypnosis & NLP training since 1997.

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