Weight Loss With NLP & Hypnosis
A Comprehensive Approach To Helping Clients Lose Weight
The Workbook: Weight Loss With NLP & Hypnosis–Helping Clients Get Rid Of Excess Baggage
The workbook that gives you the procedures, in depth explanations and the highly effective weight loss protocol that practically forces you to do great weight loss sessions. It’s the best techniques and all my knowledge and experience wrapped up and condensed into 37 pages. You get multiple techniques with specific tricks, tips and hints to super-charge your sessions with weight loss clients.
It’s all clearly laid out and logically organized, making it easy to understand and quick to assimilate. We cover how to set goals for weight loss that motivate the client to change and get their unconscious mind on your side. How to uncover negative beliefs that could stop your sessions, cold–and how to blow them out of the water. How to help the client install a set of mental steps that literally program them to eat like a thin person. And a lot more…
The Video: Weight Loss With NLP & Hypnosis
1:04:17 of video explanations and examples so your knowledge is solid. Hear my answers to common questions about doing weight loss sessions and learn the philosophies and approaches that result in, well… results! You’ll get real-life stories about actual clients as well as answers to weight loss questions from Hypnotherapists, and NLP practitioners–both beginning and advanced. You can be like a fly on the wall during this powerful and advanced seminar on how to do effective weight loss sessions.
Taught by master hypnotherapist and NLP trainer Keith Livingston, this session is full of insights, tips, tricks, techniques and approaches that will drive your effectiveness with weight loss clients higher.
Audio I: Reframing & Submodalities For Weight Loss
Reframing is the cornerstone of almost any effective NLP session and submodality shifts are super-charged techniques that can help make change elegant and easy. On this audio, you’ll get solid audio material covering reframing and submodalities and how to apply them specifically for weight loss. Reframing helps dissolve a client’s limiting beliefs that could undermine your work. When done effectively, reframing quickly makes all other parts of your sessions easier.
And if you don’t know NLP–relax. Reframing is something we all do naturally–and we’ll show you, step-by-step how to do it for weight loss clients. Plus, you’ll get specific examples of the major belief systems that get in the way.
Submodality shifts change the way the mind codes things. How much easier would it be if the client’s mind coded weight loss as something they were absolutely going to do? Find out when you put this powerful technique into action!
Audio II: Approaches & Hybrid Regression Therapy For Weight Loss
Sometimes you’ve got to pull out the big guns. When you need to do regression therapy, what is the most effective way to do it? I’ve pulled from the fastest, the easiest, most effective and gentlest NLP & hypnotic regression techniques to come up with a never before seen regression technique–hybrid regression therapy. It’s pretty dang simple and its simplicity is one reason it works so well. Even if you have a regression style that works well for you, I’m positive you’ll find some pieces from hybrid regression therapy that will make your life easier and your clients happier.
Document: The Eating Diary
The eating diary is a simple, two-page document, included in the workbook, that makes your sessions go much more smoothly. It helps you pinpoint exactly what the client needs and exactly what to do to help that specific client.
Can you answer all of these questions?
What do you do when a client gets a bad feeling about losing weight?
How do you help people who eat for pleasure, for comfort or socially?
Did you know there are three types of weight issues–and if you take the same approach with them, you may fall flat with that client?
What are the three types of weight issues and how should they be approached?
What is emotional eating and what specific techniques do you use to stop it?
What simple document can help you quickly and easily pinpoint what techniques you should use? This document also helps figure out what exact resources the client needs.
What is the mental framework that helps naturally thin people stay thin and how to we install that in our clients
Do you know what the biggest mistake most practitioners make is, and how, if you make the same mistake, it could put you out of business permanently?
What’s a ten minute technique that literally reprograms the client’s unconscious mind to make them thin?
And remember, I’ve included hypnosis & NLP alternatives for all major techniques–so you can be effective with either hypnosis or NLP or both! After you grab your copy, you’ll be able to answer them all — with confidence!
I am a big fan of your work and love your teaching style. Very much enjoying the Weight Loss package I recently purchased also!! GREAT work!
Torrance, CA
