Starting A Hypnosis Practice Just Got A Whole Lot Easier With . . .
How To Start A Hypnosis Practice
Same Time & Money & Get Rid Of Frustration--Get Your Practice Rolling Now!
You Get Checklists, Guides, Forms & More…
Forms & Paperwork
Feel like sitting around for a few days and making up a bunch of forms? I bet you don’t. Save yourself tons of time and lose the frustration. We’ve got lots of pre-made forms to save you time–just add your business name and modify for your own use. There’s an intake form, an acceptance form, client confidentiality and disclosure forms and referral and release forms. You also get two examples of note taking formats to use, a full code of ethics, and a guide to
There are several checklists included in the course to help keep you on track and let you know what to do next. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to
Profit Calculator
How about an easy to use spreadsheet program that will make calculating the profit potential of your practice a breeze.? Just type in a few numbers and you’ll be able to see just how much you could make.
Most people skip this crucial step, and relegate their practice to the junk heap. You need to know how much you need to profit, if you're going to know what to charge. This calculator makes it easy. ?
Intake Forms
An intake form is where you gather the initial client information including contact info and what it is they want to work on. Need one? You’ll get it here.
Fully customizable -- and your own logo and graphics, or just type your own, using the samples as guidelines. ?
…And 23 Short, Targeted Videos To Help You Get Your Practice Up & Running

I Can Lift Much Of The Burden Off Your Shoulders…
Starting A Hypnosis Practice
Where there are answers I don’t have, I’ll turn you on to resources that can save you time and money. Or I’ll give you insights on what to look for to get going efficiently. Here’s what’s covered.
- Starting A Hypnosis/NLP Practice
Well Forming Your Ideal Practice- What Issues Do You Want To Work With
? Office Space How Much To Work, Make &Charge Do the numbers add up? Deciding On A Business Name How to tell if your business name isa winner Getting A BusinessLicense Domain Names Getting A Business BankAccount Credit Cards
Intro To Marketing
Though not a full-fledged marketing course, we’ll help you to understand what makes effective marketing and keep you from making mistakes that have cost others thousands of dollars.
- Marketing, Promotion & Advertising
- Building Your Web Site
- Site Structure
- Response mechanisms
- Facebook (briefly)
- Business Cards
- Brochures
- Public Speaking
- Advertising
- Google Adwords
- Pay For Play Radio
- Social Deals
Get ‘How to Start a Hypnosis Practice’
You'll get...
- A handy little profit calculator you can use to make income projections. Just type in your projected expenses, the number of sessions you expect to generate and how much you’ll charge and voila! You’ll see your net profit. If you don’t have a way to do this now, how are you going to figure it out
? Tips on naming your business (that one alone could make you oodles of money), office space, paperwork, insurance… 23 videos covering business finances, what to charge, specializing, office space and a lot more. The videos are 2 – 9 minutes long. They’re packed with solid, actionable information.
‘How to Start a Hypnosis Practice’
Instant access, lifetime access, no shipping cost, environmentally friendly.
