1,449,583,462 potential customers need your help in a a matter of life & death . .
. . . Are You Doing All You Can To Help Your Clients Stop Smoking?
Gain confidence in your ability to do smoking cessation sessions.
Most hypnotists have been trained to simply read from a script, hoping the one-size-fits-all approach will address that client’s needs. Others simply don’t know what hypnosis & NLP techniques work best, or when to use them. As a result, most hypnotherapists are not confident with smoking cessation clients. We can do better.
If you want to help people quit smoking, it might help to know how to…
- multiply the power of your suggestions.
eliminate compulsions.- turn a client from a “smoker” to a “non-smoker.”
- dissolve limiting beliefs about how difficult stopping smoking is.
- create powerful emotional states in your clients and use them to make it easy to be tobacco free.
- use a simple NLP pattern to get clients into the “I’m absolutely done with cigarettes” state.
- attach tremendous emotional pain to smoking.
- use Ericksonian techniques that almost magically break habits.
Smoking Cessation With Hypnosis & NLP: A “How-To” Guide For Success.

What is the most effective way to stop smoking?
According to the largest scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit, hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking.
Smoking Cessation With Hypnosis & NLP: A “How-To” Guide For Success.
The program includes…
Smoking Cessation With Hypnosis & NLP: Video, 1 hour, 23 minutes.
Discover how to…
• Get a smoker’s belief systems and attitudes to support stopping
• Get your clients fully committed to stopping smoking (both consciously and unconsciously).
• Leverage both internal and external motivations to help clients stop.
• Use simple techniques to shift smokers away from an identity level of “I am a smoker.” (It’s crucial to your success)
• Shift a smoker’s mind-set so they view smoking as something they would never do.
• Convince clients that hypnosis is an effective means to stopping.
• Open up the smoker’s mind to the possibility that quitting will be easy.
• Take care of the emotional needs smoking fulfills.
• Minimize or eliminate withdrawal symptoms.
• Remove positive associations to smoking and replaced them with negative associations.
• Break rigid behavioral patterns.
Techniques for Smoking Cessation: Audio, 56:43
This audio covers, in depth, many of the most powerful smoking cessation approaches in existence.
Learn how to…
• Easily multiply the power of your hypnotic suggestions, making you more confident in your work and flooring your clients with the power of your words.
• Disconnect clients from the pleasures they get from smoking and almost magically attach those pleasures to healthier behaviors. This dramatically reduces their drive to smoke and powerfully boosts their drive to engage in healthier behaviors.
• Alter the internal coding system of the client’s mind to “re-code” them as a non-smoker on the spot.
• ‘Blow out’ the compulsion for cigarettes with hypnosis or NLP.
• Create that feeling of “enough is enough” that we’ve all experienced when we’re completely fed up with something and apply that feeling to smoking. Can you imagine how powerful it is to have your client have that disgusted feeling every time they even think of having a cigarette?
Reframing & Sleight of Mouth for Smoking Cessation I: Audio, 44:09.
Sleight of mouth patterns are powerful NLP hypnotic language patterns that can dissolve limiting client beliefs–beliefs that can act as counter suggestions to the suggestions you’re giving.
In order to be truly effective, we’ve got to knock out as many of those counter-productive beliefs as possible. The Reframing & Sleight of Mouth for Smoking Cessation audios give you the knowledge to use the most powerful of these patterns, specifically for smoking cessation.
• How to uncover hidden negative beliefs a client might have that could stop your smoking cessation success dead in its tracks.
• Multiple ways to effectively turn those negative beliefs to your advantage (and your client’s advantage). It’s mental Aikido and it practically melts away progress-stopping, negative beliefs!
Reframing & Sleight of Mouth for Smoking Cessation II: Audio, 43:57.
• Take advantage of the sleight of mouth pattern that spins client thinking around on a dime. It’s crucial to do this when clients hit trouble spots.
• Learn to use the fun and creative hypnotic language pattern that you can use any time you’re stuck.
• Learn the powerful piece of language that changes a client’s internal images and forces them to play out the consequences of their actions. This pattern brings the client face-to-face with exactly what they’re doing to themselves–creating tremendous resolve, to stop smoking.
• Rediscover the everyday skill that really shines when applied to helping folks stop smoking.
Smoking Cessation Commitment Form (1-page, included in the workbook)
This simple, one-page form helps your client dramatically boost their commitment to stop.
Getting that commitment level high is crucial to your success in your smoking cessation work.
Smoking Diary (1-page, included in the workbook)
Use the smoking diary to discover hidden smoking motivations and triggers that could sabotage your effectiveness.
Uncover those motivations and triggers–and blow them out of the water using this easy-to-understand tool.
Why Hypnosis is so Effective for Smoking Cessation (7-pages, included in the workbook)
This brief document explains why hypnosis and NLP work so much better than other stop smoking methods.
Build your client’s belief in you and get their belief systems working for you–not against you.
Smoking Protocol (22-pages, included in the workbook)
Learn what elements are required to have maximum effectiveness in helping a smoker stop
Discover how to get a smoker’s belief systems to help them stop smoking
Uncover how to use an “identity shift” as a powerful unconscious smoking cessation tool
Learn to build the case for hypnosis and NLP in the client’s mind
Find out how to take care of the emotional needs smoking meets and replace them (this makes it much easier to stop)
Learn what kinds of negative associations to attach to smoking (and what kind to avoid like the plague)
Discover the most effective ways to break the rigid behavioral patterns of smoking–and what little-known Ericksonian technique can help dissolve old habits such as smoking
Find out how to “blow out” things that trigger smoking
You get my complete, 4-session smoking cessation protocol
You’ll discover what to do when, and how to do it. It’s all laid out for you.
You’ll also learn these powerful techniques (what they are, what they’re for and how to do them) and how to apply them to smoking cessation.
You’ll also learn these powerful techniques (what they are, what they’re for and how to do them) and how to apply them to smoking cessation.
- Compounding and Pyramiding Suggestions
- Compulsion Blowout
- Mapping Across
- Reframing for smoking cessation
- Associating, building, anchoring and attaching emotional states
- Enough is Enough Pattern
- Dickens Pattern
- Breaking the smoking habit with tasks
- Shifting ideas, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about smoking
- Reducing or eliminating the physical sensations of addiction
- Aversion Therapy
- Finding the emotional reasons for smoking
- “Secondary Gain” issues
- Finding alternate behaviors to smoking
In short, Smoking Cessation With Hypnosis & NLP: A “How-To” Guide for Success is a complete system to help you help people quickly and easily lose the smoking habit.
“I just used your protocol for quit smoking and between it and the greatly motivated client I had, it was a great success. Without your program I would have felt too intimidated to try it. I had my fourth session with the guy today and he is done. By the third session he didn’t even have the urge anymore…”
Katelon T. Jeffereys: Seattle, Washington
“I purchased Keith’s Smoking Cessation package and it transformed that part of my business. I was having pretty good success but the new methods I learned from Keith increased my success rate from 60% to 85%! Plus Keith is pretty funny!….Thanks Keith.”
Brian Roberts CCht, Edmonton Hypnotherapy Clinic
“I love the program. THANKS!!”
Instant access, lifetime access, no shipping cost, environmentally friendly.

“My success rate with smoking cessation went to 100% for several years after integrating your techniques from Smoking Cessation With Hypnosis and NLP into my program. Thanks again for your help today. Your customer service is excellent.”
Shawn S. Liburdi, OTR/L, CHt
Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation Specialist, Certified Medical and Dental Hypnotherapist, Georgia Hypnotherapy Associates, LLC